National Fritters Day
Is Today National Fritters Day?
December 2nd of each year is National Fritters Day. National Fritters Day is especially an important day to celebrate for those who have a deep love of food, culture, and tradition. National Fritters Day isn’t just about eating fritters—National Fritters Day commemorates the history of frittering as well!
To be clear, National Fritters Day doesn’t actually “celebrate” all different types of fritter products – National Fritters Day specifically honors one specific type of fritten recipe: apple fritter recipes. There are some other popular fried foods that are made with apples tossed in too, but National Fritters Day has nothing to do with National Apple Turnover Day (October 23rd), National Fried Apples (September 17th) or National Apple Cider Day (December 1st).
Fritters Day is entirely about apple fritter recipes, with National Apple Fritter Day specifically aimed at celebrating the original recipe.
Now that National Fritters Day has been cleared up, National Fritters Day can be about having fun! National Fritters Day can be celebrated by trying out different types of frittata recipes – there are so many types of fritters to try out like zucchini fritters or chocolate chip fritters—and not all apple frittatas are made for National Fritters Day; some are perfect year-round! National Fritters Day doesn’t have to be limited to apples either – banana crisps and zesty zucchinis make great National Fritters Day creations! National Fritters Day isn’t limited to National Fritters Day either – National Fritters Day may also include National Donut (or donut if you live in the United States and Canada) and National Waffle Day celebrations.
While National Fritters Day isn’t specifically devoted to apple fritters, National Fritters Day doesn’t need to be about the ingredients. Those who enjoy apple fritter recipes can celebrate National Fritters Day any day they want! It’s also worth noting that National Fritters Day is a “National” holiday – which means that this special day is recognized and celebrated by the entire country.
There are so many ways to celebrate National Fritters Day—how will you be celebrating National Fritters Day?
On National Fritter Day, there are several ways to celebrate the tradition of National Fritters:
- Eat some delicious baked apple fritters from your favorite National Fritters Day-approved bakery
- Bake some National Fritters Day apple fritter recipes from scratch
- Get together with friends and family to create National Fritter Day memories that will last a lifetime
- Celebrate National Frittered with different recipes such as zucchini fritter, chocolate chip fritz or just apple fritz
- Eat a variety of food that is fried in oil like fried pickles, fried shrimp or french fries
- Throw a party and invite all of your friends and family to National Fritters Day National Frittered food party
- Make apple fritter recipe that is National Apple Fritter recipes or just recipe that includes apples such as apple crisp, apple pie or even an apple fruit salad
Celebrate National Fritters Day today! National Fritters Day is especially easy to celebrate this year, as National Fritters Day falls on a Saturday. So go out and enjoy yourself, and have a great Sunday.
For more information check out our All Glorious December Global Holidays article here.
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