Human Rights Day
Another December Global holiday is Human Rights Day. Human Rights Day recognizes the adoption and proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on December 10, 1948. This day is celebrated on December 10th day every year.
The milestone document was proclaimed with the unanimous decision of 48 countries at a time when World War II had just come to an end and its legacy was lingering hatred and fear that triggered countless atrocities throughout Europe and Asia against many ethnic groups, including Jews, Roma (also known as Gypsies), Slavs (mainly Russians, Poles, Serbs, and Ukrainians), political opponents (communists mainly but also others who were considered enemies of the state) as well as people with disabilities.
The freedom of religion, equality before the law, and due process are at the core of human rights. They are also fundamental values that all nations must accept to be considered members of the international community. States must preserve and protect these rights for their people as well as foreign residents on their territory. The Organization and its member governments work together with civil society organizations around the world to protect these freedoms.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by representatives from all Member States of the United Nations and forced into action after it became clear that governments were failing to protect their citizens. It protects the rights of every individual everywhere without regard to nationality, residence, gender, national or ethnic origin, religion, language choice, or any other status. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was a great achievement in its own time and remains an outstanding international statement of what Human rights mean.
Human rights are “rights which every human being is entitled to without distinction or discrimination such as race, color, sex, language religious belief, political or another opinion,” according to Article 2. They include civil and political rights (the right to life and security of person; freedom from enslavement; freedom of expression; voting rights) as well as social and cultural rights (such as the right to work and education).
Although the Declaration is not legally enforceable, it served as a basis for more than 60 human rights treaties, which together constitute an international standard of human rights. The ongoing approval of all United Nations Member States on the fundamental Human Rights established in the Declaration has made it even stronger and highlighted the significance of Human Rights in our daily lives.
Many believe that Human Rights Day should be commemorated with activities like deciding on a problem faced by others which you can do something about and act upon it, holding Human Rights themed talks at schools, becoming active in Human Rights movements. Human rights help bring justice and peace to all people across the world by giving everyone equal rights that must be respected.
The High Commissioner for Human Rights, as the world’s main UN human rights official, and the Office of the High Commissioner play a key role in coordinating efforts for Human Rights Day’s annual observance.
The theme for this year marks 70 years since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly. Although countries around the world have made significant progress towards achieving gender equality, poverty eradication, sustainable development, and protecting freedoms , Human Rights Day is a day of action to remind the world that there is still work to be done. Human rights are a reminder of what we all have in common and Human Rights Day brings us together across borders to tackle problems, defend those most at risk and send a clear signal to governments – you must do more.
Human Rights Day is an annual event that highlights the significance of human rights on a national and international level. This year’s Human Rights Day aims to convey the message of universal freedom of expression as part of its focus on freedom of thought, conscience, and religion or belief.
Human rights belong to everyone, everywhere: no one has the right to veto them. Human Rights Day reminds us that Human Rights apply as much as ever, not just on an international level but on a national level too; they should always be upheld and defended by people from every walk of life.
For more information check out our All Glorious December Global Holidays article here.
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