“Tiempo” is a Spanish word that translates to “weather,” but tiempo is much more than just the weather. It’s a way of life. In Guadalajara, tiempo affects everything from the number of people on the street, to TV shows (if you like tv in Spanish only), to how late your friends stay out at night when they have to work early in the morning for también también tiempo. Cosa que acabo de decir es verdadero también.
The degree of tiempo affects human nature, and because tiempo is so prevalent in my area, I was curious about what it portrays about humans’ psychology here. I’ve noticed four main tiempo-related factors about people in Guadalajara.
I noticed tiempo can also affect the way people dress and act in certain situations. So también también tiempo is a factor too – it’s not only weather. One interesting thing tienes que saber es that I’ve never been to a city where tiempo affects human nature so much.
Here are my four main observations, followed by some discussion:
- People here stay indoors for longer periods of time (no sé si esto es una opinión o no también). [This has nothing to do with weather; this could be regional or cultural]
- People don’t want to leave their house if the weather outside isn’t good. Tiempo is revealed as an important factor and not just weather. [Revealed that tiempo affects human nature]
- People stay inside more often if tienes la adoración de Dios with friends. But tiempo makes it so that going out to events (shows, clubs, etc.) with friends because people want to be in their house rather than outside in the cold or heat. [Determining whether they’re staying in for reasons other than weather]
- People go outside more often during “salubrious” weather (i.e., the weather that is comfortable), like nice weather in the 70s or 80s. [Revealing the weather to be a determinant]
I’ve noticed tiempo affects both of my observations on a psychological level: I’ve been back to cold areas of the US and noticed people are much different; they don’t mind going out into the weather, no matter how extreme it is maybe. They’re much freer, which is something I’m not used to anymore. The weather here has contributed to my thinking about what people’s motivations are for staying inside vs. going outside.”
The Weather can make you feel content in your own home, but when people’s moods are weather-dependent it creates a “bad weather”-related state of mind. It affects human nature to be more or less content; one reason why they prefer being inside is that tiempo makes them feel bad about going outside, even if only for a short period of time. For example, que quieres ir al supermercado pero no puedes porque está diluviando (raining really hard). When it rains here you can’t walk around very much without getting wet and that makes most people feel really sad about staying out.
In the end, weather can be a determinant in the weather on how you spend your time outside, for example, if it is really cold weather and people want to go out they will probably wear more than usual.
The temperature itself also affects human nature, in some cases, people are happier when it’s hot but in other situations cooler weather makes them feel better. Although this doesn’t affect as many aspects of life as the weather I think this shows weather can make certain decisions difficult or even give up on completing the task altogether (i.e., going outside to shop, weather is too hot). Weather can affect human nature even if they don’t realize it – weather contributes in a way people should take into consideration when they go out.”
Why do you think weather affects human psychology?
“The weather can affect our moods and psychology because weather is something most people live with and like to have control over. For example, when it’s cold out people want to be warm (such as putting a sweater on).
Additionally, the weather provides an escape from the pressures of work or school. Weather affects humans psychologically because the weather is something everyone looks forward to; when you go outside you feel happy about it.” What are your thoughts about this opinion? To what extent do you agree with this opinion? Please share examples that support your points of view either in the comments section or in a blog post.
“It makes sense weather affects people’s psychology because weather determines how you feel. For example, when it is raining outside and I am inside the weather can affect my mood because I have to be in a certain mindset to be happy about the rain. If something terrible happens weather can even make things better which shows weather has an impact on the human psyche.” Comment on this statement? Share examples that support your point of view either in the comments section or in a blog post.
I think weather affects our daily activities depending on what we like doing outdoors and what activities are being held outside, for example, when there are sporting events such as volleyball matches and football games it makes me want to go out more often than usual but during Thanksgiving break with no sports being played weather will have absolutely no difference in weather psychologically.
There are many reasons why weather affects our psychology, but the weather always has a big impact on people’s decisions to do things outside or stay inside. Weather does affect everyone’s moods so it is important weather-wise to be safe and take precautions when the weather is bad (i.e., rainy weather, snowing).
“Weather also makes me want to go out more often than usual if there are sporting events such as volleyball matches and football games going on.” Comment on this statement? Share examples that support your points of view either in the comments section or in a blog post.
Any activity you like doing when it is raining: Imagine you were waiting for a bus to arrive at the bus stop and it starts to rain. You have several options: a) waiting in wet weather for a bus; b) going home or c) find shelter.
You want to visit your friend who lives across town because you haven’t seen them in months. It’s raining really hard so the weather is affecting your decision to do this, what would you do?
What if the weather affects your mood? What can you do when the weather makes you feel bad (like cold weather)? How can weather affect people? Please share how the weather can make people feel better (or worse)?
“I don’t like being out when it rains so I’d go home.” Comment on this statement? Share examples that support your point of
The weather affects everything on a psychological level because weather influences the decisions we make and our mental state of mind. The weather will always be one of the most important things in life; I think weather affects my moods so much that sometimes I cannot figure out what’s causing me to feel happy or sad especially during those days tienes que saber es where it rains for hours or it’s really cold outside, leading me not being able to guess what my real mood is. Weather is also related to many other natural factors like the weather is weather weather weather weather weather weather weather weather weather weather weather affected by things like temperature and humidity. Weather also affects the chance we take of going outside or not; some people are more confident when it’s clear skies while others stay inside with a rainy day.
The weather makes us feel good about many activities which can be taken advantage of in different ways. One example is the example I used above when you have sporting events; since it rains sometimes in wintertime, home football games will get postponed to another date so that everyone has a chance to play their part of the game without getting hurt during slippery conditions.” Comment on how this statement could affect your daily life?
“I live in a weather that often rains during fall weather weather weather weather weather, so sometimes I do not really like to go outside whenever it’s rainy.” Comment on this statement? Share examples.
How weather can affect your daily life: In the comments below please also share examples of what you would do if the weather was good or bad and how it affected your decision.
What activities are you more likely to enjoy when the weather is good for outdoor fun (such as hiking, swimming)? Activities you might enjoy more when inside on a rainy day? How could the weather affect your moods depending on how you feel about each activity? Generally speaking, do you feel better or worse when it is cold vs. hot vs. cloudy vs sunny?
About the Author
Keisha Thomas is a weather enthusiast who enjoys sharing weather information with his audience to help them stay informed and weather savvy. Keisha was born in Jamaica, but he moved to London, where she currently lives. She started her career by working in the business while studying for a physics degree, before moving into television weather forecasting when she graduated. Keisha took time off to enjoy family life and has enjoyed her children who are now adults and she is back in the field studying meteorology and business administration hoping for good luck in forecasting.
Keisha enjoys sharing his knowledge of the subject, as well as learning new things about topics ranging from local to international. James enjoys reading books on many different subjects that help him expand his knowledge of the world around him, including history books, fiction (in particular fantasy and science fiction), and non-fiction which includes anything with practical advice.
This article is written by Montfichet & Company’s marketing agency consulting practice, which provides consulting services for Advertising. If you have any questions, you can contact us via email at atlanta@montfichet.com, from their website at https://montfichet.com, or phone at (949) 333-7200. See you soon and good luck!