Local Search Engine Optimization
According to United States Census Bureau, Atlanta metropolitan area, ranked No. 9 in the nation, is an important economic, industrial and cultural center of the Southeastern region and has been for many years. Atlanta’s economy is among the largest in the country; it successfully specializes in international trade, finance, insurance, and logistics.
Being one of Georgia’s most important cities with an industrial base, the economy of Atlanta is multiplying; it boasts one of the top media centers in the world and ranks among the 100 largest media markets in the US. The city’s transportation infrastructure includes Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International Airport, an international airport serving as a central air cargo hub (and American Airlines’ primary domestic hub) and leading international passenger gateway to North America.
In 2018 Atlanta was ranked as the No. 4 startup ecosystem in the United States according to American Startup Ecosystem Ranker, and No.9 in fastest-growing economies. The city has a growing number of co-working spaces (34 in 2017), accelerators and incubators (around 30), and venture capital firms ($193 million invested over 40 deals in 2014).
According to Forbes, Atlanta has the third fastest-growing tech sector among American cities.[8] In Atlanta’s digital marketing scene, software development is one of its most essential components; eMarketer predicts that Atlanta will have 1.68 million digitally savvy people by 2019 – slightly less than New York City but more than Chicago, Houston, or Los Angeles.
As for local search engine optimization (SEO) in Atlanta, it’s worth saying that since 1996 it has become one of the main cities on the US east coast and is now considered one of the world’s most advanced metropolises. According to Netpage, Inc., a leading internet marketing agency based in Atlanta, more than 4.7 million people live in Atlanta today; however, according to google search trends tool, Atlanta metro population beats this number significantly – around 5 million users are searching for something related to this city every month.
Therefore, it can be concluded that there is enormous potential for local SEO in the metro Atlanta area. Most importantly – this location provides excellent opportunities due to its high competition rates: Searchmetrics data shows more than 220,000 active local businesses in the Atlanta area, which is ¼ of the total number of US local businesses. However, according to Google Search Console reports, all this data means nothing without proper SEO ranking and local search engine optimization tactics.
Broaden your target audience
In local SEO, it is essential to find potential customers, get their attention and deliver them exactly what they are looking for. In Atlanta, you’ll be able to track about 4 million people’s behavior online; however, these users will never become your clients if you’re not targeting them correctly. Therefore, it makes sense to use Google Analytics to learn how different pages (general/category/local) attract search engine traffic.
If no differences between these groups or general topics gather more interest than anything else – try to change your keywords list and optimize titles accordingly. Then create a website map that will help you make sure that all of these pages are correctly interlinked so that when someone clicks on one page of your website, he will find the information that he is looking for easily.
In addition, you’ll be able to use the Google Trends tool to see which general keywords get more attention than anything else and use them later in title optimization; moreover, it is a good idea to find some new keywords as well.
Start with local directories and listings.
It may seem surprising, but if you haven’t had time or resources to build an online reputation from scratch – local directories might become a great way to start boosting your website’s traffic. There are several websites where you can submit your site, including the Local SEO Guide; keep in mind that some of these sites require you to pay to be listed, making sure that it’s worth your money. According to Local SEO Guide, you should submit your site to these directories:
After building a solid local reputation via online directory submissions, it’s time to get some links from other websites which have already created an online presence. Here are several ways how you can attract attention from different internet users in the Atlanta area:
Create and share original content on social media platforms
Social media has been overgrown during the last couple of years: according to Pew Research Center, 41% of Americans report using Facebook, and 20% say they use Twitter; moreover, 68% of teens (aged 13-17) use Snapchat or Instagram.
Due to this fact, you’ll be able to get more followers and build your reputation online within a short time if you post content that users are interested in. In addition to that, it’s proven that a Facebook page with more than 2000 likes ranks higher in SERPs; therefore, try to increase the number of your real followers as soon as possible.
The critical task here is to share popular posts on social media: for example, if you like one article from Forbes or Entrepreneur – share it on LinkedIn and Twitter accounts immediately. In addition, you can find great inspirational stories from reputable sources, such as Mashable or Huffington Post, by using the Google news search tool; moreover, don’t forget about podcasts – they attract attention too!
Take advantage of business directories.
It’s a good idea to get free listings from business directory websites, which can help you spread the word about your company. There are several options, including:
- Glassdoor
- Yellow Pages
- Yelp
Targeting via Google AdWords and Bing Ads
Google AdWords has multiplied in recent years – there was more than $79 billion worth of ad spending in 2013; moreover, 480 searches per second are being made using the platform. Make sure that your ads are correctly optimized and your landing page so that when potential customers click on them, they will be directed right to you. In addition, it’s an excellent way to monitor the quality of your site as well as how people react to it while browsing through SERPs; moreover, with AdWords, you can see whether your ad is clicked.
Bing Ads is a great way to spend money on advertising if you are not sure if you should use Google AdWords as well; moreover, it’s easier to start with this platform since there will be less competition and lower bids for the keywords. In addition, Bing ads allow marketers to gain information about their shopping habits by using tools called conversion funnels which show how many people have been led from the first click until the final transaction of purchase took place.
To focus more on local searches, it’s essential to find out competitors’ strategies: what are they optimizing their titles and descriptions? How many backlinks do they have? Which social media channels do they use? What are their conversion rates?
Also, try to use search operators to learn about your competitors: for example, “inurl:www.yoursite.com site:yoursite.com” will show you all the pages on your main website; also, make sure that you include brand keywords in the analytics tools, which will help you understand what users are looking for via Google searches and how often they use different keywords in a particular region.
Post frequently on All Facebook Profiles (Forums) and Groups
In addition to previous recommendations, it’s essential to share valuable information related to your business niche; moreover, don’t forget about sharing positive comments about other online companies. In general, there is no doubt that this is a great way to increase your reputation online, especially if you create short videos and add them to relevant groups.
Choosing the right keywords is crucial for local search engine optimization; moreover, it’s essential to optimize the title and description of every page on your website. Moreover, make sure that you include keywords related to services or products offered by your company directly in the content of each blog post or article on your website. Also, try to include information about SEO itself, including tips and tricks, to attract more attention from users interested in improving their traffic and web ranking via reliable strategies.
According to statistics owned by Moz, 92% of people trust recommendations from friends and family above any other type of endorsement; moreover, word-of-mouth messages have the highest conversion rate. On the other hand, one of the most important things to do is establish trust online; furthermore, it’s essential to provide people with detailed information to decide on what they are purchasing.
To optimize your local SEO, you should pay attention to details: internet users will indeed find out whether your address is actual or not; moreover, if it’s wrong, then both your business and website can suffer from negative consequences; therefore, make sure that all addresses on each page match as well as possible to show people that you are a trustworthy company. Moreover, try adding Google Maps on your site to see how to get to your office or even store if they are not sure about it.
Other Local Search Engine Optimization Tips
To increase traffic from local searches, you should add more than one location address on each page; moreover, try using this trick for both your primary and secondary locations. In addition, make sure that you post directions from both office and store since there might be times when people would like to visit a particular business, but they are driving rather than walking.
The most important thing to do is optimize images by adding alt text to increase website traffic; moreover, customers will find out whether it’s worth spending time on your site rather than looking through other brands’ websites due to poor images.
To increase the number of followers on each social media account (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), you should share content related to online marketing; moreover, try posting famous quotes about search engine optimization and marketing. In addition, make sure that you add your website URL in your bio so that people can find out whether it’s worth reading all information shared by your company.
Finally, don’t forget about joining different groups related to local SEO and those that are focused on business development. Also, try entering relevant Facebook accounts so that you can post helpful information from time to time and get more backlinks for your website in the process. Moreover, track keywords used by users via Google mentions and other search engines to understand what Internet users are looking for and how to target them.
If you want to rank high in local search engine optimization, it’s essential to update information regarding your products and services at least every week. Keep track of keywords used by users via different search engines and those published via Google mentions.
For example, try using the “how” keyword often because many are interested in learning about the most accurate way to get things done; moreover, try adding top 10 lists instead of publishing long blog posts or articles since people are more likely to leave before reading all information shared online. Also, make sure that you use visuals related to social media, whether you share ads or any content. In addition, post interesting facts to attract people as well as increase website traffic.
Choose your keywords wisely and try to be specific; moreover, make sure that each page contains all information possible so that customers can easily find what they are looking for. In addition, add more categories to organize content; moreover, remember about sharing details via images since it will increase the number of visitors on your site.
Furthermore, make sure that each address is the same and possible because it shows people that you are a trustworthy company; moreover, try adding Google maps on your site, which can be used by customers looking for directions to your office or store.
If you want to increase traffic from local searches, add more than one location address on each page and share information about directions from both office and store. Also, post high-quality images with alt text to increase website traffic.
Moreover, share content related to marketing via different social media accounts to get interested in reading all information shared there. In addition, always remember about joining different groups where relevant topics are discussed; moreover, try sharing posts via Twitter and Facebook so that other people could learn about different ways to increase their profit. Again, don’t forget about sharing useful quotes from time to time and adding your website URL in bio since it’s essential for success.
About Montfichet & Company
We are a team of writers who write all the latest news and trends about Search Engine Optimization. In addition, we make sure to provide engaging, high-quality articles that will keep you updated with what is happening in the SEO world.
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This article is written by The Trusted Automation Advisory team, provides advisory services for leaders worldwide. If you have any questions, you can contact us via email at inquire@thetrustedautomation.com, from their website at https://thetrustedautomation.com, or phone at (949) 333-7200.
If you have further suggestions/ideas for future writings, we’d love to hear about them, so do not hesitate to mention them in the comments as well. For more information, contact our team of experts that specialize in search engine optimization for non-profits. Montfichet & Company Atlanta | (404) 900-9814 | atlanta@montfichet.com.